Thursday, October 8, 2009

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

Only as long as you change your name to Lorena.

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

It did take me a minute though, I have to be honest. Report It

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

No. I don't really agree with a man cheating strictly because of his wife's hair either. My stepdad only likes my mom's hair long, but if she were to chop it all off, there's no way he'd cheat on her. Secondly, I once dated a guy who only liked redheads.. and I have brown hair. He used to tell me all the time how hot redheads were and I decided to dye my hair red. It was a huge mistake. Hair is just an excuse to cover up a bigger issue. So, to answer your question, only bob it if you're going to like it short. If you like it long, kick his *** to the curb. He shouldn't be cheating on you for any reason.

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

it sound to me if thats his excuse, hes just looking for excuses. What if next he dedides he don't like the color of your eyes....what then?

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?


If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

Be careful about pulling a "Bobbit." It can get a man in trouble every time. Just ask John Bobbit. Last I heard he worked for Snap-On-Tools.

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

first of all hes cheating on u and thats all that matters but still he's cheating on u for a dumb reason im sure thats not y but either way i say dump him its his loss not yours im sure you can find someone better good luck

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

NOT NO BUT HE-- No! Take it from be, if your husband is cheating it is by all means not your hairs fault or in any way your fault. Because if you are married to a man that would so called cheat on you because he didn't like your hair, then sweetheart I am here to tell you that he was going to cheat no matter what!!!!!I wish that woman would get it through thier heads a man has NO REASON to cheat. Not matter what excuse they use, it all means the same thing, They wanted to cheat so they did, BOTTOM LINE! People cheat because they want too, I do beleive that sometimes the person that you are with is just not giving you what you need any longer, but the way I look at it is if you know the person that you are with is just not doing it for you any longer then just tell them and call it quits. It will might hurt them, but it won't hurt them as bad as it does when they catcth you with someone else.

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

no keep you long hair, it takes to long to grow it. you should talk to your husband and find out what his problem is. it might not be your hair at all. plus why do you still want to be with him if he is cheating on you. you should not have to change yourself in any way to be with anyone. if he doesn't like the way you are maybe he is not worth being with any way.

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

if he cheating on you because he doesn't like your hair than its obvious he loves you for physical reasons, not for who you are, keep the hair and get rid of the guy, if he would do something like that based on your haircut its probably only going to get worse from there

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

never heard this excuse for cheating's reason. you should keep your long hair, your husband heated on you wasn't cause the long hair, if you cut your hair, he would use another excuse for cheating. don't trust on him.

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

no, and that has to be the lamest excuse for cheating I have heard yet.

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

thats a stupid excuse to ever think about cheating

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

I would ask Bob first. It might be a family heirloom. It could be the heir to a fortune. But that is neither hair nor there. Why not just John Wayne Bobbit him, and let him go off half-******.

If my husband is cheating on me because he doesn't like my long hair, should I just bob it?

no not at all

grow it longer I say

I also say HELLO how are you today.

tell your husband to grow up or get out.....

sorry this is happening to you..

try just putting it up in a bun when he is around

get a short hair wig for when he is around

or just tell him see the door buddy

get out..

or you can hire a private detective and let him get prof and pictures for court, then tell him to get out

good luck


God Bless

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