Saturday, August 1, 2009

Do you think i would suit my hair cut shorter?

hello there , i have been trying to buck up the courage to cut my hair into a bob at my shoulders , my hair is quite long and i want it done but dont want to look like a man , lol i kinda hide myself with my long hair but want the courage to cut it , has anyone gone from long to short hair and how did you feel after cause you cant cut your hair long lol xx

Do you think i would suit my hair cut shorter?

try a couple inches below your shoulders, just in case. because shoulder length is REALLY short! then test it out for a day, and trim if needed.

Do you think i would suit my hair cut shorter?

I did. It felt so smooth and nice. Everyone loved it! Go for it!

Do you think i would suit my hair cut shorter?

I dont know if it would suit you as you haven't showed us a pic nor have you described your face shape and features. So i really dont know.

But what I've heard from my friends, you go through a phase where you are really self conscious because your"safety blanket" is no longer there and it's odd for them when they shower because they go to shampoo their long hair and they are there grabbing the air where the hair used to be. If you think you can rock it, then go for it. If you have the face for it then I say why not

Do you think i would suit my hair cut shorter?

i used to have curly hair all the way to my butt and well i let my mom cut it when she was drinking a little she cut it all the way slanted up to my sholders and i had to go to hair cuting place and they had to cut it shorter to make it even i cryed because i wasnt used to the short hair but after a while u get used to it now my hair grew all the way to the middle of my back and im neva cuting it again i prefer it long and geting trims every month

Do you think i would suit my hair cut shorter?

Yes i had long hair 4 long time and i cut it short up to my shoulder and it feels really good cuz long hair is not on fashion anymore short will make u look cute trust u'll know ur style once u get it cut So go 4 it :)

Good luck!!!!

Do you think i would suit my hair cut shorter?

I cut almost a foot off my hair. It felt great and looked even better, but it really depends on what your face shape is (read: round face, longer hair).

Do you think i would suit my hair cut shorter?

my hair was long and i had it cut to just below my shoulders and i hated it. luckily it grew back pretty quickly. however, the only reason i didnt like it was because i could curl it as well and it just didnt suit me, so it completely depends on what suits you and your face shape. this is proven because my friend who also had long hair cut hers to even shorter than i had previsouly had mine cut and it looked really nice, however she did miss her old hair lol! so good luck. and also, when you get hair cut off your hair feels a lot better, like smoother and just in generally better condition

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